Your Flexible Block-of-the-Month Headquarters!
Wonky Zig Zag - C-729
Finished Size as Shown: 39" x 52", but you can easily make this quilt any size!
Wonky Quilt Pattern. Need a quilt in a hurry but you want it to be fun and special? This is the quilt for you! There is not one seam in this quilt! This is a perfect quilt for a fun novelty print that you don't want to chop up! All of the wonky zig zags perfectly nest with each other because of this unique way of making this design! Fun for a baby quilt but can be made to any size you want up to King! The edges are finished with the 5/8 inch wide Chenille-It instead of binding so you don't even have to bind it! How easy can you get?